BCPSEA – BC Public School Employers’ Association. The accredited bargaining agent for school boards. They bargain with teachers and support staff /CUPE.
BCTF – BC Teachers’ Federation. Provincial representative of more than 40,000 teachers. Our provincial bargaining agent.
Continuing Assignment: An assignment at a particular school or site that continues from one year to the next. The assignment is subject to changes in enrollment.
Continuing Contract: (see article C.20) A continuing contract means that the employer has an obligation to provide you with work from year to year when available or to layoff according to the Collective Agreement (Article C.5)
Conversion to Continuing: (see article C.20.2) Term teachers who are reappointed to the teaching staff of the District, who have previously completed ten (10) FTE months of service within the preceding three (3) school years, shall be granted a continuing contract of employment. Teachers on term appointment under subsection C.20.1.a.i who are replacing continuing teachers on a leave of absence for longer than ten (10) consecutive FTE months shall not be appointed to a continuing contract until the leave comes to an end and the term teacher has subsequently been reappointed to the teaching staff of the District within the next school year.
Layoff: (see article C.5) When the district does not have a sufficient amount of work for all teachers on continuing contracts, it may layoff according to seniority and qualification. This process is explained thoroughly in article C.5. Teachers who are laid off may apply for EI.
Necessary Qualifications: “Necessary qualifications” in respect to a teaching position means possession of a valid teaching certificate for the province of British Columbia, and a reasonable expectation by the Superintendent of schools, based on the teacher’s university education or equivalent training and classroom experience, that the teacher will be able to perform the duties of the position from the commencement date of the assignment and, where the Superintendent deems it appropriate, a written commitment by the teacher to undertake a Pro-D program related to the position to achieve a more fully qualified status relative to the new assignment.
Recall: (see article C.5.5 and C.5.6) If teachers have been layed off, as work becomes available, teachers are recalled in order of seniority and qualifications. Offers of work are made via email and usually followed up by phone. Members have 48 hours to respond exclusive of holidays and weekends to such offers.
Roving TTOC: A TTOC who is hired to work full-time as a TTOC for a family of schools. When a Roving TTOC is not called for a specific assignment, they will report to their "home" school to work for that day.
Seniority date: (Article C.2) The date of the beginning of your continuous service with the district. Includes time worked as a TOC “on scale.” Seniority reports are generated each year by the school district. We also keep the most up to date report posted in the members' portal section of our website.
Term Assignment: A teaching assignment with a specific start and end date. Most often these are positions that are created due to a contract teacher going on leave. Sometimes these positions are extended but generally do not go beyond the end of the school year (June 30).
TTOC: (see article C.4) A teacher who is assigned on a day to day basis in this district. TTOCs have only select Collective Agreement rights. Some teachers are career TTOCs and others are seeking more permanant employment within the school district. TTOCs have the right to apply to any posted positions, however, when appropriate, the position will go first to a continuing teacher needing to be place or who needs an accommodation.
BCTF – BC Teachers’ Federation. Provincial representative of more than 40,000 teachers. Our provincial bargaining agent.
Continuing Assignment: An assignment at a particular school or site that continues from one year to the next. The assignment is subject to changes in enrollment.
Continuing Contract: (see article C.20) A continuing contract means that the employer has an obligation to provide you with work from year to year when available or to layoff according to the Collective Agreement (Article C.5)
Conversion to Continuing: (see article C.20.2) Term teachers who are reappointed to the teaching staff of the District, who have previously completed ten (10) FTE months of service within the preceding three (3) school years, shall be granted a continuing contract of employment. Teachers on term appointment under subsection C.20.1.a.i who are replacing continuing teachers on a leave of absence for longer than ten (10) consecutive FTE months shall not be appointed to a continuing contract until the leave comes to an end and the term teacher has subsequently been reappointed to the teaching staff of the District within the next school year.
Layoff: (see article C.5) When the district does not have a sufficient amount of work for all teachers on continuing contracts, it may layoff according to seniority and qualification. This process is explained thoroughly in article C.5. Teachers who are laid off may apply for EI.
Necessary Qualifications: “Necessary qualifications” in respect to a teaching position means possession of a valid teaching certificate for the province of British Columbia, and a reasonable expectation by the Superintendent of schools, based on the teacher’s university education or equivalent training and classroom experience, that the teacher will be able to perform the duties of the position from the commencement date of the assignment and, where the Superintendent deems it appropriate, a written commitment by the teacher to undertake a Pro-D program related to the position to achieve a more fully qualified status relative to the new assignment.
Recall: (see article C.5.5 and C.5.6) If teachers have been layed off, as work becomes available, teachers are recalled in order of seniority and qualifications. Offers of work are made via email and usually followed up by phone. Members have 48 hours to respond exclusive of holidays and weekends to such offers.
Roving TTOC: A TTOC who is hired to work full-time as a TTOC for a family of schools. When a Roving TTOC is not called for a specific assignment, they will report to their "home" school to work for that day.
Seniority date: (Article C.2) The date of the beginning of your continuous service with the district. Includes time worked as a TOC “on scale.” Seniority reports are generated each year by the school district. We also keep the most up to date report posted in the members' portal section of our website.
Term Assignment: A teaching assignment with a specific start and end date. Most often these are positions that are created due to a contract teacher going on leave. Sometimes these positions are extended but generally do not go beyond the end of the school year (June 30).
TTOC: (see article C.4) A teacher who is assigned on a day to day basis in this district. TTOCs have only select Collective Agreement rights. Some teachers are career TTOCs and others are seeking more permanant employment within the school district. TTOCs have the right to apply to any posted positions, however, when appropriate, the position will go first to a continuing teacher needing to be place or who needs an accommodation.